Historic Restoration with Arctic Blast includes a wide variety of cleaning applications and needs. Arctic Blast uses dry ice blasting for lead based paint abatement, smoke damage removal, adhesive removal and reversal of aging effects, just to name a few. Dry ice blasting has been used in historic church restoration, the Utah State Capital Building seismic upgrade, aging marble statues, a fire damaged home from the turn of the century and many more restoration projects.
Dry ice blasting is the best cleaning method for restoration projects due to the need for a non-abrasive and chemical-free process in most restoration work. The goal in restoration work is to restore a structure to its original state and to uncover the underlying surfaces of the structure without causing additional damage. Dry ice blasting allows Arctic Blast to achieve the desired cleaning results, without damaging the substrate. Often, layers of paint and years of aging will hide the original detail on the structure. The only way to uncover this intricate detail work is with Arctic Blast's dry ice blasting services, no other cleaning method is able to achieve that level of clean without damaging the substrate. In fact, Arctic Blast can blast adjacent to marble, glass and onyx without causing any damage to these surfaces. The architects that specify restoration work will often not allow chemicals or abrasive cleaning methods not be used. Chemicals can leach into stone, such as marble, and abrasive cleaning alters the integrity of the very surface the restorers are trying to preserve.
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