Since sanding, grinding and scraping are physically intensive processes and require that the tooling be forcefully applied to the surface to be cleaned, the position of the technician doing the work must be very stable. Working on attic trusses carries an increased risk of falling due to the force that needs to be exerted for the work to be done properly. To make this work possible, the constant repositioning of the scaffolding and the technician are necessary.
Even if a significant amount of work can sometimes be done from a single position, technician fatigue would quickly set in, and the operator would have to be relieved. Compare this with dry ice blast cleaning, the effort and staging of which is similar to that required for power washing. From one position and/or platform, a dry ice blaster can clean many angles and surfaces in just the time it would take to prepare for grinding the same area. In a typical home crawl-space remediation project the actual removal work typically takes 3 technicians 5 working days. By using dry ice blasting, that process can be reduced to 2 technicians and 2 days.
No other company can provide the variety of essential nozzles and accessories to ensure complete spore removal from the multitudes of angles a mold remediator typically encounters. Using the traditional methods of sanding and scraping a mold infested attic, three technicians would typically complete an attic job in five or six working days. However, with the dry ice blasting solution, two technicians can complete that very same job in two days.
The unpleasant and uncomfortable process of squeezing into tight corners to sand the mold off of wood trusses and joists, only to have mold spores remain, is soon to become a thing of the past. Dry ice blasting provides for complete spore removal from wood. This means that the use of biocides and encapsulation can be drastically reduced or eliminated, as these registered pesticides were used as a back-up method to kill and contain left over mold spores. However, dead mold is still allergenic and must be removed. Arctic Blast will remove all mold spores, so these chemicals are no longer needed.
Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting:
Up to 60% faster crawl space completion.
99% mold spore removal on wood.
Chemical-free process.
Clean detail work, tight spots and around nails and obstructions.
Complete removal even in tight angles of trusses.
Clean around wiring and all plumbing without damage.
- Dry ice blasting kills organic contaminates.